The ten songs of the album delve into Stabel’s own experiences as a German, from explorations of the Deutsch mentality of persistent fear to tackling the fake news, jingoism, racists and coronavirus deniers on hypnotic bangers ‘Dark Germany’ and ‘Dieser Klang’; issues just as prevalent in Germany as in the USA and UK. G.O.L.D will be released by the new Berlin based label Braid Records – a source for the finest EBM, Synth, and Wave.
XTR HUMAN stands for Gothic electronic club force with danceability and HD club accessibility. The melding driving EBM and coldwave atmospheres are influenced by the pop hooks of Austrian New Wave legend Falco. Berlin based producer Johannes Stabel started the project in 2012 out of the South German Coldwave scene. His friend Luca Gillian (Die Selektion) is guest vocal on the single LEBEN OHNE LICHT. G.O.L.D finds the German producer evolving as much as the rest of the world has had to. Taking his political and socially conscious lyrics into his native tongue brings a deeper and more powerful thrust to their weight.